Geoff..VA3GS Hamfest coordinator...great job to you and your team!
Indoor waiting room opened 7:30 am with FREE standing in the cold or rain!
Tables loaded with great deals for the crowd.
Mike VE3MKX at the tables.
John Kerr VE3SVE and his display of LED lighting
Huge crowd enjoyed great weather and deals.
The Clara ladies
VA3IL "Bob" at York Region ARC club table
Durham Radio dishing out the deals.
Jack from Radioworld greeting the shoppers!
Wisdom from Maple Leaf Communications
Don VA3NC and Doug VE3VS with their line of rotators
Angelo VA3ACO, Judy and Barry VE3ISX ONTARS Net Manager
Walter VE3FJC with the deals.
Rick VE3BK with a golden oldie
The crowd looking for deals
Bill VE3LJ..formerly KZL with the deals.
Interesting gear!
Paul VE3 ORM
Steve VE3SHA and grandson Conner...perhaps Canada's next young amateur??
More vintage equipment for offer
Lunch as Swiss Chalet
Angelo VA3ACO Rick VA3AGX and Daniel
A free lunch was awarded courtesy of the Swiss Chalet
VA3CAZ Carlos
Marc and Karen
VA3NO Karen...your official photographer.
Daniel of Swiss Chalet draws the winning ticket.....Karen
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