
Steeltown "Tailgate Treasures"
15th June 2019

 This was the third year for the event.
The Hamilton ARC had a perfect day with loads of sun and fun
at Van Wagners Beach, Hamilton
General admission was free!
 Food and drink plus washrooms all within walking distance.

Pictures courtesy of  Barry VE3ISX, Mike VE3MKX and John VE3FDK

Bob VE3ITW welcoming the vendors

Mardy VE3QEE with Gary VE3TTO setting up club table and Jim VE3JS watching.

Mario the Tube Man with the deals.

Peter VE3DOU ready for business


Barry VE3ISX with XYL Judy

Rick VE3BK with Hamilton's newest ham   Christian VE3QYV

Don  VE3WPK and  XYL Lorraine  (New ham from Barrie ARC)

Lloyd VE3ERQ  from the Niagara Region

Carole  VA3WHU with hubby Brian VA3BGN  with Garry VE3TTO

John VE3FDK with Mark at the VE3MKX  table


Steve VE3PTA with a well stocked table

Mardy VE3QEE

 Icom 756Pro III for sale by John VA3JMK of  Tottenham

Syd   VE3ZSX

John VA3XM with friend and Kevin VE3RRH from Welland

Joe VE3IUW with  Bill VE3EKJ

Mike VE3UET with the deals

Arpha  VA3VAD  with XYL Cathy

VE3MKR Mike with dad Alex VE3XAR

Arpha  VA3VAD

Mark VE3RYI and John VE3CXB from Hamilton Club

Len VA3CD with XYL Jan

Barry VE3ISX busy at the tables with Judy XYL

Do you have more photos?
Send them to VE3ISX  Barry for publication

Didn't sell it at the above...for virtual hamfest...

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