Central Ontario Hamfest
2 June 2013
Cambridge at the Waterloo Regional Police Association Recreation Park

A very special thank you to the Elmira Amateur Radio Club for running the 9am to 11am hours of  ONTARS

Photos courtesy of  Tedd   VE3TJD,  Tony   VE3AXW,   Mike VE3MKX   and Barry   VE3ISX

VA3TET  Al and VE3IXX   Bob running the ONTARS  9am - 11 am hour...thanks Elmira Club!!

Carol   VE3IYY  and Gord  VE3DBP at the RAC booth

Bruce VE3QB,  Al VA3TET and Bill  VE3WBJ   from the Elmira Club

David   VE3KGK from the London Club

Angelo  from Radioworld


Honest Bob from Maple Leaf Communications

Tony  VE3AXW

That is where Norm  VA3ABL was hiding...missed you!


VE3ADU   Wes

Chris  VE3FYO with grandson Josh.....budding Ham??

Vendors busy setting up

Beautiful Heathkit gear

Morse keys

Perfecct for the SWL

Vendors setting up at the outdoor fleamarket

Good crowd with great deals.

9 am and the business is brisk!

Arunas VE3ITJ  and Barry  VE3ISX  ONTARS Net manager

VE3TJD  Tedd  with Dwane VE3DWN

Military specials

Walter  VE3FJC

Willy  VA3WLY

Tedd  VE3TJD  with Judy   VE3ISX  (xyl)

Marty  VE3QEE from the Hamilton Club

Neil  VE3UB

James  VE3TPZ

Dennis  VA3DLT

Fresh FRIES...great food served up!

Marv  VE2PK

Dave   VE3DWJ


John  VE3CXB from the Hamilton Club

Carol VE3IYY at the RAC booth

Wisdom at Maple Leaf Communications doing what he knows best!!

Gord  VE3OLH  from Skywide Club with Don

Do you have any pictures of the Hamfest??
Send them to  Barry  VE3ISX
Send your pictures to:
Barry VE3ISX click here-----