Central Ontario Hamfest
5th June 2016
Cambridge at the Waterloo Regional Police Association Recreation Park

A very special thank you to the Elmira Amateur Radio Club for running the 8 am to 10 am  ONTARS  NET

Photos courtesy of  Mike VE3MKX and  Barry VE3ISX

Tony VE3AXW and Peter VE3DOU

Mike   VE3CMM

James  VE3TPZ  and Gord VE3DBP

Alma at the Durham Radio Booth

Dave VE3NNG and Honest Bob at Maple Leaf

Mario the tube man...with the vacuum tube deals.

Norm  VE3CZI

Barry VE3ISX and Harold VE3CD

VA3TET   Al  with Bob VE3IXX running the ONTARS net for the HF checkins.

Clare  VE3CUJ  with Bill VE3WIG

Bob   VE3ITW


Ben  VE3ST on duty in the parking lot.

Eric  VE3EI from IES Communications

IES Communications display

Barry  VE3ISX and Rick  VE3BK busy checking the deals.

Mardy VE3QEE from HARC browsing the Fleamarket Tailgate area.

Tailgate specials

Bill VE3BXI    dishing out the deals!

Rick VE3BK   Nick VE3UFA and Peter  VE3DOU

Ted   VE3TJD

Bob VE3IXX  handling the traffic on the ONTARS net frequency.

VA3DVT   Jim

Angelo  VA3ACO and friends

Sid with the specials.

Bruce VE3QB

Shawn  VE3PSV  with Fred  VE3SXB

Paul  VE3PVB  doing a great job on the Hamfest PA announcements.

Marv   VA2PK

Mardy  VE3QEE with Dave  VE3DWJ form the Hamilton ARC

John   VE3FDK from Hamilton

Bill VE3LJ  with   Walter VE3FJC manning the tables

Representative from  www.pcboard.ca Mississauga ON....great LED deals for the shack.

Do you have any pictures of the Hamfest??
Send them to  Barry  VE3ISX
Send your pictures to:
Barry VE3ISX click here-----

Didn't sell it or couldn't find it at the Hamfest??
Visit our online swap shop for all amateurs!